You Can Still Plant These Fall Vegetables In September

You Can Still Plant These Fall Vegetables In September


September is when we start winding down our garden for the year, but there is still time to plant vegetables now to enjoy later in the fall. Based on where you live, the vegetables you can plant now will vary—but even in the colder zones, there are more options than you may realize. Some are fast-growing vegetables, while a few others should be planted as soon as possible to enjoy them later.

These vegetables are a good fall crop for all of the continental U.S. 

In zones 3-10, which is all of the continental U.S., some of the vegetables you can plant in September include lettuce, radishes, and garlic. For radishes and lettuce, you’ll want to select the quick-growing varieties, while garlic is a crop that you’ll need to plant now in order to enjoy in the spring. And if you’re in the mood for berries, planting blueberry bushes in the fall is a good way to promote healthy root development, as well as encourage early spring growth.

For slightly cooler areas 

Spinach is also a good fall crop to plant, although it requires slightly cooler temperatures, making it suitable for zones 3-9. Basically, as long as you don’t live in certain parts of southern Florida, Texas, California, or Arizona, spinach is a good option for planting in September.

For slightly warmer areas 

If you live in zones 5-9, which includes most of the continental U.S. with the exception of certain parts of northern states, then broccoli makes for a good fall crop—and one that you’ll be able to pick well into November. You’ll just want to make sure to select a faster-growing variety, such as Calabrese or Early Purple Sprouting.

For a more detailed map, as well as a planting schedule for your state, Urban Harvest has this information for all of the continental states. If you want information on fall crops that grow well in Hawaii, you can access a monthly planting schedule here; in Alaska, though, September is a little too frosty for planting vegetables.



This article was written by Rachel Fairbank from Lifehacker and was legally licensed through the Industry Dive publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to

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