2021 Flavorscope: Virgo

2021 Flavorscope: Virgo

No matter what your sign, a whole world of flavor awaits you in 2021. It’s time to try something different in the kitchen and in your daily life with horoscopes that help find comfort, connect to your body and explore land and sea.

Grounded and strong, the earth signs have a reputation for stubbornness when it comes to change. But these signs know how to grow, how to embrace what’s deep and complicated, and push boundaries. Let the earth signs surprise you with how far they can go, and where they are willing to explore.

August 22nd - September 21st   

Jupiter enters your zone of relationships on May 13, Virgo, forecasting romance with your ideal mate! This person may come in a different package than you expect, diversifying your expectations of love and making each day rich and colorful! You deserve an infusion of fantasy, so give yourself permission to relish the moment, just make sure to keep the gloves on to avoid getting scorched. 

On June 10, the Gemini solar eclipse spotlights your career zone, turning up the heat in business matters and giving further definition and texture to your work responsibilities. This influence might confuse your senses and rattle your focus, but it also demands that you stop thinking small. You have savvy leadership skills which you’ve never shown the world, so quit downplaying that refined palate and own your good taste! 

Meanwhile, on September 14, Neptune, the planet of dreams, opposes your sun, which could create some confusion and misunderstandings in relationships. Not all is what it seems now – looks can be deceiving. You might be unclear on who you can place your faith in, but rather than getting salty, let go of your expectation that things have to be perfect. After all, isn’t variety the spice of life?  
Go deep on flavor when you explore Charred Vegetables. Defy expectations by trying a Carrot Hot Dog with Charred Tomato Ketchup.
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