Not that it really matters, but absolutely butchering the name of a fancy dish at a fancy restaurant (or any dish at any restaurant, for that matter) is kind of embarrassing. To avoid a cringe-worthy dinner moment, memorize these 15 hard to pronounce foods.
Food: Poke
The wrong way: poke
The right way: po-kay
Just remember, it rhymes with OK.
Food: Gyro
The wrong way: jy-row
The right way: yee-row
Just remember, it rhymes with hero, which is what you’ll be if you master making these sammies.
Andrew Scrivani/The New York Times
Food: Confit
The wrong way: con-feet
The right way: con-fee
Pretend you’re snobby and French and you’ll be just fine.
Food: Edamame
The wrong way: eh-duh-mame
The right way: eh-duh-mah-may
Edamame we have some more?
Food: Escargot
The wrong way: es-car-got
The right way: es-car-goh
Forget about the ‘t’ like you forget that you’re eating actual snails.
Food: Lychee
The wrong way: lie-chee
The right way: lee-chee
But after a few martinis, who really cares?
Food: Meringue
The wrong way: meh-ring-gay
The right way: muh-rang
It’s whipped egg whites, not a dance.
Food: Turmeric
The wrong way: too-mer-ick
The right way: ter-mer-ick
‘R’ you serious?
Nadia Lim
Food: Nicoise
The wrong way: ni-kwah
The right way: nee-swaah
Remember what we said about pretending to be French?
Food: Gnocchi
The wrong way: knock-key
The right way: nyoh-key
Low-key obsessed with gnocchi. And silent “g’s”.
Food: Pho
The wrong way: faux
The right way: fuh
What the pho? .
Kitchen Confidante
Food: Mascarpone
The wrong way: mars-capone
The right way: mas-car-po-nay
Takes longer to say, but it’s worth it.
DJ Foodie
Food: Endive
The wrong way: n-dive
The right way: on-deev
Sounds pretentious, tastes delicious.
Food: Beignet
The wrong way: beyg-net
The right way: ben-yay
Ben-yay, as in yay, these things are incredible.
Food: Espresso
The wrong way: ex-press-oh
The right way: es-press-oh
There is no ‘x’. Please don’t say it as if there were.
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