Alternatives that taste good--and are good for you
You've heard it before: White sugar isn't good for you. (It's got little nutritional value, it can cause weight gain and so on.) So maybe it's time to start using these better-for-you alternatives on the regular.
Maple Syrup You can use pure maple syrup in coffee, yogurt, baked goods or oatmeal, and the nutrient-rich sweetener is actually good for you. (It's been known to help fight cancer and heart disease.)Just don't confuse it with pancake syrup: That's mostly high-fructose corn syrup dyed brown and spiked with maple flavoring.
Honey In studies, honey, especially dark honey, has been shown to slow the action of “bad” LDL cholesterol. Plus, eating local honey may even help fight seasonal allergies. Much like maple syrup, you can use it in coffee, yogurt, baked goods and more.
Agave This one should be called the less-is-more sweetener. Agave is 25 percent sweeter than white sugar, so a little goes a long way. It is also low on the glycemic index, so you won't be subject to any sugar crashes. Try it in your morning smoothie.
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