The Need For Seed

The Need For Seed

Video Length: 03:010

June 06, 2019

Little package. Giant punch! We’re talkin’ seeds, of the crunchy, citrusy, nutty, buttery and pungent form. Are you listening? We can’t stop sprinkling, cracking, crusting, toasting, and of course eating them. Seriously, just try to stop us. Okay don’t, because the whole world needs to know of their awesomeness. Baked seed crackers, seeded buns… they’ve had their day. We invite you to discover less common seeds and experiment with more familiar ones in new ways - like coconut guava basil seed pudding, popped lotus seed snack mix, and gomasio – a Japanese black and white sesame seed blend. Let’s devour them by the seed-filled handful. They’re food. Fuel. Flavor. And they’re giving us life – in the form of texture, taste and wholesome goodness that makes both sweet and savory dishes pop.

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